
The 4 different types of Composting Worms

The 4 different types of Composting Worms

Composting worms are a vital component of vermicomposting, which is the process of using worms to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. There are several types of worms that are commonly used for composting, each with their unique characteristics and benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of composting worms and their roles in the composting process.

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Aerobic Fermentation of BioVast Vermicompost with Luna Whitcomb

The importance of microbial populations in your soil is crucial for many functions surrounding plant growth. In organic cultivation systems, beneficial microorganisms are the foundation of nutrient cycling and nutrient uptake. Inoculates are not all made equal. Microbial density and diversity of bacteria, protozoa, and fungi are how we differentiate between what is quality and what is potentially a source of pathogens. My favorite source of beneficial biology is the castings, or excrements, of worms. This can be described as Vermicompost as well as earthworm castings. Vermicompost is a mixture of castings, broken down organic matter, and organic matter not...

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How to Add Organic Matter to your Soil with Bokashi Food Scraps: Digging a Trench

How to Add Organic Matter to your Soil with Bokashi Food Scraps: Digging a Trench

One way you can add organic matter to your native soil is by adding the broken down food scraps left over from your bokashi composting bucket. In this post, we’ll show you how to add organic matter to your soil in 6 easy steps. What is soil organic matter? Soil organic matter is the organic component of soil, consisting of three primary parts including small (fresh) plant residues and small living soil organisms, decomposing (active) organic matter, and stable organic matter (humus). Soil organic matter serves as a reservoir of nutrients for crops, provides soil aggregation, increases nutrient exchange, retains...

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California Residents No Longer Allowed to Throw Food Scraps in the Garbage Can

#foodwaste biodegradable Bokashi Food Scraps Natural Farming recycle

California Residents No Longer Allowed to Throw Food Scraps in the Garbage Can

California residents are no longer allowed to throw food scraps in the garbage can. Here is an overview of the state Senate bill SB 1383 and how it will increase the application of compost and lower the demand for landfill capacity statewide.

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Testing your Soil: 4 Types of Soil Tests and Which Lab to Use for Each

#foodwaste biodegradable Bokashi Natural Farming Testing Soil

Testing your Soil: 4 Types of Soil Tests and Which Lab to Use for Each

Testing your soil is an important part of organic gardening. Here are 4 types of soil tests and which lab to use for each test. 

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